I just wanted to share that I'm ugly-crying because it's so cool. BioWare, thank you, fans, thank you so much. "I'm just sitting here ugly-crying because I'm just so moved," Hale says in the video, before giving a "huge shout-out to Mark, you know I love you." Between the tears, she goes on to say, "You guys are the best and to be part of this is the greatest thing in the world and I'm so grateful. She gets the action scenes, running and leaping and sliding over a waist-high object in that very familiar way, as well as kissing Liara and posing while Garrus says, "You were born to do this." She's at the forefront in a way she never was when the games were first released, back when she had to settle for the alternative trailer. Go to the official Mass Effect Facebook page and Like one of the six potential female Shepard designs to vote for it, the winning design will be featured in ME3. This trailer shows a montage of scenes from across the series, and while BroShep is there-that's him macking on Miranda-there's more screen-time devoted to FemShep. Following BioWares Mass Effect March on Comic-Con, Casey Hudson announced that fans can choose the default appearance of female Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3. Though her performance made FemShep more popular with hardcore fans, the marketing for the original games tended to focus on the default "BroShep", voiced by Mark Meer.